Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Birthday Wishlist (Updated) ;D

It is approximately a month before my birthday. Hihihih. So here are SOME of the stuff that I want ;D
Any decent flops from Charles & Keith, Accessorize, Nose etc

Diana Mini Leopard

Diana F Zebra

Tweed Jacket from Topshop

Red Skinny from Topshop
Hello Kitty Instax 210

Polaroid Spectra E Instant Camera

Coach's Handbags of Poppy Range. Poppy k Poppy!Or maybe any decent brand ;D

Miss Dior Cherie

iPhone 4s

ps. Most desired item starts from the bottom to the top ;D Mueheheheh better get those bucks ready for me. But, it's the thought that counts. This is just for fun. No prezie won't do no harm to me ;D


Anonymous said...

berangan la kau nak camera semua tu,gambar sendiri pon 5 bulan skali baru tukar hahahahahahhha and oh ure not photogenic :P

drmqn said...

hi budak kecik. how's it going? lifeless as always i guess? haha

Anonymous said...

do you realise that most of your tweets are showing off?patut la followers asek menurun n tak banyak(:

nana elyssa said...

syang gile kan muka manis tpy merokok?pompuan merokok?ishishish.pastuh kt luar bajet baek:)eh terase ker

Anonymous said...

knpe adik u pngil mama tpy u pngil mumy??ahahhha malu nk mgaku pngil mama eh?

drmqn said...

well funny bcs i've never bothered abt how many followers i have and i kept rejecting the requests and just recently i unprotected my tweets so yeah tak pernah pun berkurang? haha kalau nak cakap tu biar ada fakta kukuh.

tak pernah rasanya i bajet baik bcs i memang tak baik ;p

bcs mmg camtu sebab i manja lebih? apa nak malunya panggil mama? sama je kan mumy mama whatever?

well thanks for treating me like i'm a celebrity. you guys really did stalk me huh ;p