Cuti sem start tak lama lagi. I wonder what awaits me for the next semester. This semester was great. Got myself great friends. The best friends ever. Shida!, Wahida, Ika, Ecah, Aien, Mimi, Alam!, Acap, Naz!, Ezmir!, Zariq, Bob!, Wawan, Yana, Pijan!, Lemon, Irfan, Abe and loads more.
Nur Shahida Azlan, you're the best girlfriend ever a girl can have. So true, so patient. You tolerated with my awful attitude. Always there for me. Malam malam tidur share selimut dengan aku, mandi wajib bersama satu toilet, melantak pun sama sama :') Everywhere I go, you'll be by my side. You've never bitched about me behind my back. You confronted me for everything I did wrong. Maki hamun caci maki semua kebiasaan dah hahaha. Bila aku mengamuk tiap pagi, kau je la yang lek diam je jalan pegang tangan dengan aku. Bila kat class lecturer bosan, ada je benda/orang kita gelakkan. Bila kau dating, aku rasa nak baling kasut je kat kau dengan Acap tapi memandangkan aku kawan yang mithali, aku teman je la korang dating sampai aku tertidur kat student square tu. Tiap pagi kalau nak bangunkan kau mesti rasa nak sepak je kepala kau tu sebab payah ya amat nak suruh beruang kutub macam kau bangun. Cermin pulak mesti nak berebut dengan aku. Cuti sem ni memang menangis la aku rindu kau. You're so far away there in Kelantan. How the heck am I suppose to get to you? Alam kata nanti dia ambik aku kat Kajang then pick up Acap kat Taiping then jumpa kau kat Kelantan haha. Aku boleh je, asalkan dia rembat superbike abang dia ah hahaha. Haih, study week ni pun rasa berat je nak cuti bcs I know I'll be missing you guys. Thank god our semester break is only a month and a half. Alhamdulillah!
And you, Shairazi Aslam (; You're a great friend too. Always always always there. Kadang kadang you nak tinggalkan I sebab ada class bagai masa I sorang sorang tapi nanti mesti you pusing balik hahaha. Breakfast, lunch, dinner; you're always there. Camna I nak tukar routine nanti bila I dah balik Kajang and you kat Seremban :'( Since shida got together with acap, we're inseparable. Ye ah, shida sibuk dating, kesian I sorang sorang dengan bb I. You je ah pengubat hati dengar I merepek. You crack stupid jokes for me. Pastu kalau masing masing dah letih, sofa kat student square bangunan GMI la tempat kita landing. Pastu haritu I pengsan kat college, kita buat drama Romeo and Juliet from tingkat 4 KPTM sampai ke hospital hahaha. You carried me all the way. Bapak segan la sial semua tahu yang you dukung tu siapa padahal muka I dah kena cover dah kot. Bodoh gila orang ingat I dah nak mampus dah hahaha. Kenapa la you baik sangat kat I haha padahal hari hari kena menghadap mengamuk I, babi, bodoh, fuck you. Pastu semua weakness I, you kata "Kecacatan yang menyempurnakan", "Imperfections that made her perfect". Thank you (; Pastu malam malam merendek pergi shisha la, study kat tasik la, Bukit Ampang, trip to PD hahaha. You make surprises all the time. Simple surprises that means a lot to me. Pastu that notebook contain all those footnotes abt me hahaha. You actually did make footnotes abt me! I thought you were just joking, turns out there are pages of it, with illustrations and all. You did loads of sweet stuff for me. I don't know how to repay you. You know I've never given hope to you, but you're still so nice and sweet to me. You made my day, almost everyday. You should find yourself someone really awesome bcs you're the awesome-est person I've ever met. You're like one of those candies with fillings. Macam kita makan kita nampak dia gula gula je, rupanya dalam ada isi sedap gila. And you have looks. You deserve someone so so so pretty. You're smart, you have visions, you're respected in college and among your friends, people refer to you when they wanna make a decision, you have a great sense of humour, you've been brought up so well. Asal la you sesat sebelah I do hahaha. I'm the arrogant bitch who walks with her head down bcs she refuse to exchange looks with people, the bitch who pulls a face when she sees something she dissaprove, the spoil brat who throws tantrum anywhere anytime, the demanding girl. Thanks for being there all the time.
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